Tuesday, August 6, 2013

LeechGirl (working Title)

The roof of her cell was leaking again. She pushed the bowl from breakfast across the floor with her foot, searching for the drops. She didn't dare move from her corner for fear of being discovered. Screams seeped through the walls around her, but oddly there was no pain with them. A sudden splash of wet on her toes said she'd found what the spot. She left the bowl there and pulled her knees to her chest. She leaned her head against her cell wall and let her thoughts stroll lazily through the dark forests of past and future tragedies.
Howls and pleas echoed down the halls as an other was escorted further into the depths of the infirmary. The begging subsided while the group slowly passed Sa'crets room. Pain crawled up her spine and trickled outward to her fingers and toes. She sunk a little deeper into her wall but the shadows did nothing to ease her pain. Then it was gone, the voice cried out, and Sa'cret was left empty again.
A few moments later her door slammed open and two white clad men walked in.
"Alright Sa'cret," The taller of the two moved in, "The ShadowHouse says you've had enough."
Sa'cret stood and made her way to the men.

The shorter secured her leash and only then did he move to allow her out into the hall. The group made their way past cell door after cell door on their way to the main room. Each one another jab of pain to her. The taller rested his hand on her back as they encountered torment that caught her breath in her chest. She recognized him from previous visits... but his name escaped her.
At the end of the hall was a set of stairs leading up to an archway. Against the far wall was a gaunt man in a similar uniform, sitting behind a desk. He stood as they reached the top and nodded to the guards.
"How good to see you again my dear." He ran his hands along her torso as the guards left them.
She shifted out from under his touch and slowly made her ways to the engraved circle in the center of the room. She allowed her hips to moved seductively knowing the man behind her was watching. His footsteps followed her across the room until she stood in the middle of the ring. His hands caressed her skin and Darkness crept into her vision. The door he created opened before her and he held her for an instant then pushed her through. The next moment she was greeted by the dimly lit entryway of the ShadowHouse.
Arched doorways and grotesque faced statues from the last era welcomed her. She swallowed hard trying to get the gritty taste out of her mouth. She brushed at a patch of red dust on her skirt, desperate to have it removed before her master arrived to receive her. Heavy footsteps closed in and she quickly finished with the mark. She stood straight as three men entered the room. The first was a thin man in a blue top hat and waistcoat. His coattails were accentuated with bronze birds that matched his pants and shirt. He pursed his lips as looked her over, anger blazed in his eyes.
Sa'cret kept her gaze on the floor, she knew meeting his would only excite his fury. Past punishments raced through her mind crashing into each other when she saw the second man. A bit heavier than the first, he wore the dull green of an airship engineer. His beard was cut close as per the standard, a stark contrast from her masters scraggly brush. Aside from an extra scar on his left temple he looked the same as he had the last time she saw him. Roughly three years ago, the day he sold her into this life.
"Mayhew" There was no anger in Sa'cret's voice. It was just a word that had lost all meaning.
"Quiet bitch!" Baculus, her owner, stepped forward and took her the throat, "You cost me fifty silver every day you don't work, and that's not counting the cost of putting you up in that penthouse."
She braced herself against his strike.
"How do you expect me to keep you if you're never here." He pushed her away and she collided with the third man.
 She felt a stray flame above her ear. A mans hand reached over her and grabbed the escaped cinder. Sa'cret moved aside to let his gift work. He mumble apologies to the other men in the room and went back to lighting the lamps throughout the room. She watched for a moment fascinated by his control over fire. She felt the pull of the flames but brushed it aside and regained her composure.
"Then don't." Mayhew said rummaging around in his pocket.
"What?" Baculus's words echoed her own surprise.
"Four thousand, right?" David pulled out a satchel from his coat pocket. "That's what you said in the letters."
"You really want her? Why? I have some many useful girls to offer."
"I want her." Mayhew jingled the purse.
"Well then, who am I to stand in the way of true desire. Come with me to my office and we'll discuss terms." Baculus lead Mayhew out of the room, talking nonsense about the history of ShadowHouse. Their words faded as they made their way to the far side of the house. Cold ate away at her limbs.
A few moments later two of the Keepers arrived with her trunk. She nodded to them and they lead the way to the doors.
"Can't say I'll miss you sweetheart." the man on her left broke the silence. "You always were one of those pieces no one could touch. Not much use for those in this place if you ask me."
"And that is why you are the keeper and I am the owner." Baculus walked up behind them, "I have made seven thousand gold from this untouchable piece."
"Of course, sir." The men said in unison. They handed Sacret's baggage over to her and made their way back into the shelter of the ShadowHouse.
For a moment Sa'cret longed for that shelter again, but her view was obstructed by Mayhews malicious grin. She forced her legs not to abandon her and pulled her gaze away from him.
"Well it looks like everything's settled 'Cret," Mayew placed a firm hand on her rear, he nodded to Baculus and directed her into the open courtyard of the ShadowHouse.
"The hell do you think you're doing?" Sa'cret demanded when the ShadowHouse was safely in the distance.
"I'm rescuing you," Mayhew grinned, "you're welcome."
"I didn't need rescuing, I was just fine." She threw his hand back at him.
An abrupt strike across her cheek stopped her before she could move away from him. "Now babe, I'm sure thats just the drugs talking. You know I'm the only one who loves you. Tell me what you're using now and I'll make sure you get your fix."
"I'm not on anything." she insisted, "Besides, you know full well what they do to my gift and no House would allow that."
"Well what would you like to be on?
"Nothing, just drop me off somewhere and let me sleep in my own bed."
"You don't have to worry about that anymore babe," he grabber her wrist and lead her toward a Door. "I'm taking you home."
Before she could protest he pulled her into the alcove on the corner and gave the man his address. The next second they were standing in his quarters in the airship district. A stale smelling two room flat, colored in dismal grey. There was one bed, some assorted cooking tools and a table. the scent alone brought back memories of nights spent arguing about her gift and his addictions. A quick peck on her cheek from him brought her back to the here and now.
"It's great to have you home 'Cret. Now go wash up; I've got some friends coming over tonight and I don't want you smelling like a pleasure house." He slapped her butt.
"No, I'm not going to be naked around you."
"How dare you think you have a choice in the matter." Mayhew backhanded her. "You're not some prized slut, I own you. You will obey me or you will be punished."
His hands choked out her response.
"I can do whatever I want to you my dear and no one would even blink. Because you're mine."
Her vision blurred as he squeezed, distorting the malice on his face right before she blacked out.

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